After four years working to bring additional passenger rail service to Virginia's Route 29 Corridor, CvilleRail and the Piedmont Rail Coalition are proud to announce that a new train connecting Charlottesville to Washington, DC, New York City and Boston, began daily service on October 1.
The new train was launched with a gala Whistle Stop tour on September 30. Watch the video,
The new Northeast Regional service is the result of a historic partnership between the Commonwealth of Virginia and Amtrak. The train links Central Virginia with one-seat service to the Northeast Corridor, including BWI Airport, Philadelphia, New York City, Newarkand Boston. The daily round trip train departs from Lynchburg and stops in Charlottesville, Culpeper, Manassas, Alexandria and Burke Centeron its way to Washington and the Northeast Corridor.
Promotional fares are discounted 25% through March 31, 2010. To receive the discount, reservations must be made two weeks in advance.
Check out one passenger's diary of his trip to Washington on the new regional daily train.
We've got a new train,
It started last month
And leaves every morning by nine.
It goes to DC,
Then heads back at five
And lets you do work while you ride.
No more will you need
To think about speed
When riding past cop cars that hide.
It'll give you a chance
For more than a glance
When you see something interesting alongside.
The ride will be smooth,
You even can snooze
Or with laptop computer watch flicks.
With smooth welded rail
There'll be no travail
Hitting potholes on I-sixty-six.
The trip will go quick,
Not much clackety-click,
Just about a minute per mile.
You can go buy a snack
As you whisk up the track
And eat at a table meanwhile.
Help to keep Amtrak solvent,
Try the trip somewhat frequent,
It won't cost much out of your hide.
So go buy a ticket,
You won't need to click it;
Just sit back and enjoy the ride.